Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


Life In the Living Room

I’m coming off a Three Birthday Party Weekend. The parties were for a niece, a nephew and an early b-day party for my huzzbund. It was fun, but man, I got no rest. Anyway, in addition to all the partying, we went to AJ’s company picnic on Saturday. His company was not stingy or cheap with the door prizes. They were giving away TVs and video games and large amount gift certificates and such. We won a portable DVD player. Since we already had one at home, we decided to take it back to Wal-Mart and exchange it for an X-Box. We had enough left over in the exchange to get a couple games. So, we got Doom3 and a cheap casino game.

When we got home, we were checking out our new stuff, and Heather (heretofore known to this blog as "The Champion Teenager") loaded the casino game and started playing Texas Hold ‘Em - a card game with which she’s pretty familiar. Anyway, her dad was sitting back, giving her some advice as she played. So – being the ultra-wise and caring step-mom that I am – I decided to give her some poker advice of my own.

"Heather," I said using my wisest, most important-sounding voice, "you have to know when to hold ‘em."

"I know," she said as she continued to stare at the TV screen.

"And you have to know when to fold ‘em."

"I know.... I’ve played this before," she said.

"You have to know when to walk away..."

"I KNOW! I played this on the Fourth of July!" she said, her irritation heightening.

"Know when to run...."

"Have you ever even played this before? I’ve played this! I know what I’m doing!"

"And remember that you never count your money while you’re sittin’ at the table."


"There’s time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done."

"DAD! Will you tell her I know how to play this? I KNOW! I don’t need your help!"

Unnecessary, Awkward Way to End This Blog: A full-grown man at my work used the term "Gosh Dawgs!" in a non-sarcastic manner today.


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