Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


Buy One Used Spatula, Get an Unmatched Sock Free!

I think the only way out of our current mess is to have a garage sale. Our 1,300 square foot house is packed to its creaky gills with "stuff." Much of this stuff we do not need. Getting married brought us a bunch of shiny new household items, which is awesome. But we were forced to cram things into already-cram-packed nooks and crannies, and this is beginning to get on my nerves.

For instance, in order to get out a particular pan, you have to first dig out four or five pans and pots on top of it, get the desired pan, then put everything else back in the cabinet. After washing said pan, you have to pull everything out of the cabinet again to put the pan back in its proper spot. Most of our kitchen cabinets must be arranged "just so" in order to hold all the stuff we need to stick in there.

Other items we need to weed out include toys, blankets, books, clothes from my hippie phase, shoes, old make-up, and - though it will be painful - CDs. I used to take great pride in my massive CD collection, and I still do to an extent. But I have to finally face the fact that I rarely even look at those discs, let alone play them anymore. It’s time to load up the unessential and drive to the used CD shop to try and get rid of them. I think that makes more sense than selling them on Ebay. Shipping costs just don’t seem to be worth it when it comes to CDs. I’ve already begun hocking my old textbooks online to small success.

Anyway, I guess it’s pretty boring to write a blog about your plans to clean out your house via a garage sale. But HERE I AM DOING IT.

Onto something else... Last night in bed AJ suddenly shouts "Marcus!" in a frightened voice. Then he rolls over and continues sleeping silently. My husband talks/shouts/laughs/walks in his sleep all the time, but what’s funny about this particular episode is that the only Marcus we know is a 14-year-old blonde kid who lives up the street from us. Sometimes, in my sleepy state, I imagine the dreams behind these nighttime outcries from AJ. This often leads to weird dreams of my own. The one that played in my head last night involved AJ, Marcus, an empty Vienna sausage can, and some dud fireworks. Everyone was angry.

Well, that’s about all I have for today. Internet, I leave you with this photo of my brother Stevie. Enjoy.


Blogger Roy said...

omigod! your CDs!! i remember some of your CDs!!!! any particular ones you're getting rid of? as you know, i have quite the CD collection myself...i might be interested in taking some off your hands...anyway, i was bored (being in grad school AND bored? who woulda thunk?), and decided to check your blog. rawk on!

1:16 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro said...

I forgot you were going to grad school this fall. How is it? Are you on your way to becoming an eccentric/sophisticated professor?

I haven't done inventory on the CDs yet. I highly doubt I actually own any that you'd want that you don't already have, but when I come up with a list, I'll send it to you.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Roy said...

grad school is kinda weird. you are given insane amounts of freedom, but at the same time a ton of work. the odd thing is, you can't really complain because the work is of your own doing because you basically create your own projects and whatnot. on top of that, my life is pretty much in a weird spot right now where i'm totally unsure of everyone and everything. i think it's the astrological "return of saturn" thing. or not. i don't believe in astrology...or anything else really.

i'm karazeeeeee...

11:32 AM  

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