Enrollment In the Air
People such as Kalen will think I am insane, but I really miss school. Well, that’s not totally accurate. I guess what I’m actually missing right at the moment is the "start" of school. The newness and anticipation. I’m feeling it around me right now because my Champion Teenager is about to begin ninth grade next Monday. She’s in that space of time where the mind and body and free spirit are all pulling in different directions: "It’s still summertime... so it’s okay if I stay up until 6:00 am watching this Sabrina marathon." However, "I have to start all that running for basketball pre-season in, like, seven days... I better begin adjusting myself." But then again, "It’s my last chance to be this lazy for a while..."
It’s that mix of excitement and partial dread that I miss. This will be the first fall in about seven years that I have not gone back to school. (Yes, as a matter of fact I was a 26-year-old Bachelor’s Degree recipient, thank you very much.)
But I can take comfort in the fact that, in reality, I actually have at least four more years of vicarious school life ahead of me. And plenty of homework that the Champion Teen will bring home and wait until midnight the night before it’s due to pull out of her bag and begin working on. This proved to be pretty good exercise for my supernerd senses last year. Part of what bonded me to my step-daughter in our early days of being in each other’s lives was the day-to-day functioning of her schooling. The early morning drives, the late night English worksheets, the recounting of the never-ending-and-often-vicious circle that is junior high gossip. Good times.
I know The Champion Teen is looking forward to being in the mix of her friends on a daily basis again. And I’m looking forward to partially experiencing her new beginning and getting back into the groove again. It’s no secret that I shine when I have a purpose, and I really feel like I make solid contributions when it comes to The Champ’s schooling. All this nebulous summertime fun is great and enjoyable. But I’m ready for the structured halls of Pryor Junior High to give us back our deadlines and schedules.
So, in a sense, I guess I am going back to school this fall. My inner nerd feels better knowing this.
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