Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


This 2 Shall Pass

I’m trying really hard to be upbeat, but the day is dull, and I am blah within it.

The Prezident is swearing in later today for round two since Masochistic America decided to vote for him again.

Cloudy contacts in my eyes. Small headache. Unexplained itty-bitty cuts on my fingers and knuckles.

Wearing one of two pairs of jeans that are not too big for me and don’t have mud stains or rips in the knees.

Trying to stretch the sleeves of this shirt to make them longer so I can curl my hands up inside the ends for extra warmth.

The space heater under my desk is cranked up high even though the radio keeps saying it’s going to be near 70 today.

Don’t be so low, I say to myself. Dig the sleep out of your eyes, pop your neck, and make a pot of coffee.

Go to work and buy yourself one of those big round lollipops someone in the front office is selling to raise money for their kid’s baseball team. Stick it in your mouth and let it make that rolling sound against your teeth as you chat with the girls about something comical that happened last weekend. Laugh it up and be funny like yesterday.

Punch, punch, punch in the forehead. Wake up.

I’m considering a Mountain Dew.


Year In Preview

I didn’t make one of those year-end lists like I usually do. You know, those ones where you list all your favorites from that particular year. Movies, albums, books, songs, etc. I didn’t make one at the end of 2004 because I was busy piecing jigsaw puzzles together every single night during 2004's final week.

Now here I am just inside the womb of 2005, and I must say that I have a lot to look forward to and a lot of hopes for the new year. First of all, I want to relax. No more losing it over senseless blather.

Next, I want to get rid of all the puppies except the runt which has become the favorite of the Champion Teenager who lives in my house. We’re already down to three (not counting aforementioned runt).

I’d like to make more friends who throw parties like the one I went to on New Year’s Eve. It was a total high school hotel suite extravaganza! It was even B.Y.O.L... Of course, AJ and I slept that night at the more economically priced Super 8 just a few hundred yards away, but still, it was a fun hotel party night filled with dancin’ and drunk girls pukin’ and bitches havin’ attitudes and guys who look like members of the cast of Boy Meets World makin’ drinks called "Sunshine."

I’d like to keep my car cleaner, but due to the fact that one of the roads on my daily commute is in a constant state of treacherous muddiness and gravelly pot-holiness, I don’t think this is possible.

Fishing trip. I need write nothing more on this matter.

I want to be a radio dj playing independent music again. This begins soon, I think.

I want to do it up royal in Sin City this summer when I go there to GET MARRIED and have the world’s finest bachelor(ette) party and honeymoon ever in the history of such events. This is perhaps the only New Year’s resolution I can guarantee keeping.

I’m leaving out a bunch of less glamorous things such as "start paying back student loans" and "get ass in shape," but those are pretty drab and predictable. We’ll see how things pan out.