Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro



I can't believe I haven't posted anything since July. Believe it or not, I have actually been pretty busy - not just too lazy to post.

Here's a quick rundown on what's been happening since Rocklahoma.

I quit smoking on August 9th. It's been nearly four months now since I've had a cigarette, and I feel pretty nice about it. I've gained a bit of weight, but I've lost half of what I gained. So, hopefully it's starting to even out. For the past couple years I was getting bronchitis every couple of months. I haven't had it since I quit. So, I'm concluding that cigarettes were bad for my health or something. Who knew?

Back in September (I think?) we went out in the limo with Rob and Leann again to see a band that shall not be mentioned here because (GAW!) I had no idea about their ideologies. But it was a very fun night nevertheless. At the time Leann still had her awesome pink hair. A few limo photos here:
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In October, of course, we went to Tulsa State Fair. Not as many odd people to gaze upon this year. But it was a fun night, and then later a day with the kids. I don't think I took any pics of the nighttime trip we took with Leann and Shawn.
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Sometime there in October, we built the first fire, and I got to wear a sweatshirt for the first time in the season.
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Here's the nasty swimming pool that was NO FUN to clean out and put away.
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On fire.
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Since these pics are getting fairly random anyway, here's one I took of AJ's armpit that day. Awesome.
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Also, in October I started a fancy new job in Tulsa. I'm now working for the engineering division of my former company. I don't have any pictures to share, but it's a really awesome situation for me. Unfortunately the lady I had trained for my old job in Locust Grove decided to quit after five weeks of training. So, I was back and forth from old job to new job during the month of November. The good news is, they found someone much better fitted for the job, and she is just about fully trained already.

And then late October we met our teensy new puppy Julius Green for the first time. He's a blond(ish) lab who came from two chocolate labs. So, he's golden instead of white. He's two weeks here, and we couldn't take him home yet:
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Here he's mixed in with his siblings. See how only two of them are light colored? That dark brown one that has one eye opened like he's perturbed by the flash reminds me of Stanley from "The Office." Attitude-wise, I mean.
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Then at six weeks (sometime in November) he came home to us.
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This is Puppet, his favorite toy.
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Here he is at eight weeks. He got big fast. Also, he does not love his little Snowman Outfit.
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He always falls right to sleep after taking a bath.
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Last weekend, we celebrated the birthday of one Miss Hannah Logan. She is entirely consumed and obsessed with Hannah Montana. So, the decor for the party was a no brainer.
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If you've read my blog much through the past few years, these are some familiar faces from my step-children's birthday parties. They are their cousins on their dad's and my side. Such is the nature of parties being thrown by the non-custodial parents who live out of town. Ah well, we had fun.
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At this point, I'm out of pictures in my photobucket to remind me of events that have taken place in my life since last summer. So, I guess I'm finished here.

Enjoy your Thursday, Internet!


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