Teeming With Sunshine
I thought I would be in the mood tonight to got hog wild with posting pictures. But I'm not really feeling it. But I'm a little on the bored and drunk side, and the lonely-because-my-husband's-working-overtime-and-isn't-here-with-me side. So, here are a few fairly recent photos I "bothered" myself to shoot.
Julius turned one in early October, and I gave him treats. Some were edible. Some were squeaky. Some were made tough so dogs wouldn't destroy them immediately. In any case, he was just as happy as he was the day before with no treats. It's a little anticlimactic to throw a dog a birthday party. But I did it, and I'll likely do it again.
He is a very fine pooch.
For the first time since I've known them, I participated in trick-or-treating with Hannah and Sevin, or Dead Pirate and Friendly Witch, as it were.
I did Hannah's make-up, and was pleasantly surprised that I didn't entirely botch it.
Funny fact: Sevin absolutely hates wearing sweats.
Funny story: When I forced him to wear sweat pants underneath his Dead Pirate costume, he walked around in them for a few minutes and said, "Hey, these pants are really comfortable." By the end of the night I feared it would turn into a Homer Simpson flowery muumuu situation.
One more of Julius.
That's all I will muster for now. Have a great weekend, everyone.
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