Wow, we sure did have a great time down in New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Every single day we were there was intensely fun in some way. I'll let the few pictures I managed to take do most of the talking. My apologies in advance for the quality of these photos. What little photography skills I have start to weaken after so many beers (and Crown & Red Bulls).
What I love about this pic taken on Bourbon Street is the sign behind us. Ass Beers to Go. (Actually, it was Huge Ass Beers to Go, but I like it better this way.)
I could have stood there and watched this hot little jazz band for hours. They were amazing. They sane a song called "Black Mambo" that I still can't get over. Also on Bourbon.
Here are some parade pics. I believe this was the Krewe of Morpheus. I kept calling them puh-rawds. Let's go watch a puh-rawd, dahling. Again, sorry for the lack of picture quality.
I like this pic because this high school dance director looks pissed.
(Note: I haven't seen high school bands as good as the ones in these parades since Booker T. Washington's band in the Tulsa Christmas Parade, circa late 90's).
AJ before getting his beads on that night.
These are a little out of order because this photo was taken the first night we got there in our hotel room just before heading downtown. Not knowing what to expect, we purchased these fancy beads to take along with us. So unnecessary.
Lucky for us, we had some friends from back home who went to Mardi Gras too. After a series of confusing text messages, we finally found one another on Bourbon Saturday night. These are some fine folks. (left to right: me, AJ, Rick, Susie, Randy and Cindy.)
(Sadly, not pictured are John and Leann who were sorely missed.)
Although many boobies were witnessed, this is the closest thing I got to a boob shot. This lady was struttin' her painted stuff on Bourbon. Sorry, I did not figure out how to set my camera to "subjects in motion" until taking photos of the downtown skyline (see below).
Downtown N'Orleans.
These are some of our finest beads received.
A sampling of our lesser beads.
I can honestly say that this was a terrific trip.
High points: party crowd, friendly people, cool beads, awesome food, mind-blowing jazz, dancing robots, freak flags flying, winning enough at craps to almost pay for our whole trip!, seeing COPS being filmed.
Low points: traffic, traffic, traffic. Ugh.
Many people have asked me since we got back about the hurricane fallout down there. We saw it, sure. Boarded up homes and businesses, FEMA trailers, mold and mildew stains on the sides of buildings, gutted hotels and Taco Bells. They still have a long way to go in New Orleans, and I'm sure we didn't even see the parts of the city with the worst remaining damage. But it looks like New Orleans is really getting its shit back together after an earthshaking blow. What I know for sure is that we enjoyed the hell out of that town for a few days, and I wish everyone still reeling from that storm the very best.