Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


Table Rock

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We just got back from Table Rock Lake last week. It's located just outside Branson, MO. We rented a pontoon and jet skis, as modeled by Heather & her friend Sam above. The teens had a good time, but they got sunburned, especially fair-skinned Heather.

This trip was very cool because there were so many times I caught myself feeling like I was in one of those Corona commercials. You know the ones where something really simple and relaxing happens, and pretty much all you see is the beach and the bottle of Corona. You can hear water lapping in the background. Yeah, our lake vacation was like that. Oh, and there was also tasty feast of grilled steak and baked potatoes.

You shoulda been there.

Sunglasses In Yo' Face, Beyotch

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AJ and I were sitting on the dock watching a husband-and-wife duck couple. Sadly, we had no bread until later when we couldn't find them anymore.

Like I mentioned above. This trip was full of Corona moments.

Lake Dock

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Heather & Sam got in trouble by the dock owners for shooting off fireworks so close to the boats one night. It's not surprising though. Just look at this picture. They are practially brimming with mischief.


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Here's Heather & Sam again. As you can see, they purchased matching swim trunks at Wal-Mart the previous day.


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Leann & John joined us for two nights at the lake. They went scuba diving. It was Leann's first time to do so, and I think they said they went about 20 feet or so.

Helpful Flight Attendants

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AJ and I returned to Las Vegas in June. It was nearly our one-year anniversary. Plus, the trip was our 2005 Christmas present to one another. Good times were had. Here we are leaving on the plane from the not-recommended OK City airport. That place (the airport) is kind of a dump.

King AJ on a Queen-Sized Bed

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Sorry about the hotel room pic, but many of my photos were very touristy anyway. Also, this is my blog & I love this man. So, Internet, you should learn to be excited about my husband photos.

Swirly Hair

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When we got back, we sure did have lots of photos taken by me with my arm & neck extended so we could both be in the shot. Here we are driving down Las Vegas Blvd.

Hotel Rooms 4-Ever

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We took this shot just before heading out on the town. Suffice it to say we had an effing good time....


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This is the big ol' bronze lion that guards the main entrance to the MGM Grand. When I was there as a teenager they had a Wizard of Oz theme. It was pretty cool this time.

I took lots of other pictures of casinos along the strip, but they get a little monotonous.

Beneath the Lion

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This female lion (seen here from the glass-encased walkway) was Lazy with a capital L. She & her lioness buddy live on a ranch most of the time. If I recall correctly, the MGM grand spokeswoman said they only "work" about four hours per day. The lions barely moved during our visit.

"A Punk Using A Punk" Is the Most Famous 4th of July Joke Ever

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Hannah & Sevin let off some early fireworks a couple weeks ago. I'm guessing these bottle rocket pics were taken sometime around June 17th.

Smoked Bananas

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One sweet girl

Sevin + Bottle Rocket = Shaky Inferno

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Sevin's not-so-steady hand had a bit of trouble igniting these things, but he did okay.

Firecracker Babies

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I cannot remember why they are so wet here.

See the Resemblance?

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Yeah, me neither. But she's still an awesome step-daughter. Among the ways she takes after me: eating peas out of the can, sleeping in, and the thorough enjoyment of listening to Postal Service CD's (I promise I didn't push it on her like some indie-freak-step-mom).

If You Got It, Flaunt It

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I swear we are not training Sevin to be a flasher. Such tendencies are his own. By the way, this robe is sort of magic because anytime he or his sister put it on, they become hoity-toity rich people who will stand for nothing less than caviar and fresh, tight-rolled Havanas. Little Hugh Hefners.

About to Get Hitched

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Back in May we went to see our best friends Leann & John get married in Vegas. Before the plane took off everyone congregated at Crawpappy's in Tulsa to get boozed up before boarding the plane. Here are the love bride-and-groom-to-be. Most of the men wore Hawaiian shirts that departure day. Leann, as you can see, proudly donned her tiara for a large portion of the weekend.

Silkey Fecking Smooth

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The ceremony was short & sweet, held in the garden area just behind the Flamingo right on the Vegas strip.


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The bride & groom just minutes after their beautiful wedding.


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Here's my awesome husband looking snazzy in the first tuxedo he's ever worn. He was John's best man.

Not the Bride & Groom

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This is AJ and me after the ceremony.