Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro



look, originally uploaded by Jenn-Logan.

A very aggressive childhood game broke out in the living room yesterday. Maybe you've played this: You make a circle by touching your forefinger to thumb and then extend the other three fingers. See above picture (yes, I scanned my hand). You try to get other people to look at the sign you're making because, if they do, you get to hit them. The only official (?) rule I know for this game is that you cannot make the hand gesture anywhere above the shoulders of the person you're trying to trick into looking at it. I have no idea what the name of the game is.

It started with AJ getting me to look at it on the couch. Things went crazy from there. It was much more fun than I can describe here.

Here are some sample schemes used to get someone to look: "Did you want a bite of this?" "What's all over your pants? (using the gesture to point)" "I took this twenty out of your wallet." "Drinks on the house, ladies (this was a two-hander)" "Here, you can have the remote."

My father-in-law and his wife came for a visit late in the afternoon when the game was in full-swing. Those two were total suckers! You didn't even have to be coy or creative about getting them to look. Just stick your hand out in front of them, and they can't help themselves.

Saturday we had a 7th birthday party for Hannah. We started at the park because the first part of the day was really nice, but we ended up at my aunt's house because a bone-chilling nor'easter came blowing through as we were setting everything up. Hannah & Co. had a fun time anyway, and she went home with some new toys, including one very coveted Doodle Bear Magic Glow.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith is pretty good. Angelina Jolie is kind of cool for once. It took me a while to get over that excruciating scene in Gone in 60 Seconds where Angelina does that awkward/embarrassing little dance around the car while listening to "Low Rider" in an effort to get herself "pumped" for the next act of grand theft auto. I also didn't care for her because I wish celebrities would keep their political agendas locked away with their porn stashes at the backs of closets because I find them achingly dull . Angelina's activism is really boring to me, but she was rather decent in this film. I thought.

Tomorrow is the two year anniversary of the day I met my beloved AJ. What a fateful and drunken evening that was. After being introduced by my aunt & uncle (AJ's friends) at a Christmas party hosted at their home, we proceeded to feast on tequila, share many a laugh, and have a long, serious talk (that I regrettably do not remember). Later that evening, as you presuppose, I threw up buckets of nasty holiday excess. AJ held my hair back and helped get me to bed. When I awoke the next morning, my shining boy was sleeping downstairs on the couch, unaffected by my tragic state the previous night. We've been virtually inseparable ever since.

That about wraps it up. Have a safe December 5th, Internet.


Blogger Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro said...

I got AJ to look at the hand thing last night on the phone while he was working by having him log onto my blog site. He saw the picture, and now I owe him a hit. Watch out.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro said...

Actually, now that I think of it. I owe ANYONE READING THIS BLOG a hit. Brace yourselves.

10:49 AM  

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