Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


The Opposite of Mind Exercise

One might assume that I would update this thing more often since I'm the type who gets mad when my favorite blogs go neglected by their respective authors. Although I don't think anyone minds my hypocrisy since my blog has yet to receive distinguishment as anyone's favorite, nor even so much as anyone's "trivial entertainment while bored at work."

Thanksgiving week was nice and cozy. I was busy with my attempts at being Super Step-Momâ„¢ part of the time, but mostly I just hung out with the family and read a book about the mafia. As is becoming our tradition, we had two Thanksgivings - one with AJ's family and one with mine. Both were pleasantly pleasant. And on Monday morning, I awoke to the bathroom scales saying I was three pounds lighter than when Thanksgiving week began.

We have the purchase of a car on the horizon. It will be Heather's 16th birthday present. We are looking into a '96 Probe. I haven't seen it yet, but I am told it is much, much nicer than my own faded-out 2000 Chevy Cavalier - the same Cavalier featuring eagle claw scratch marks made by a barbed wire fence that stretch the length of the car diagonally from driver's side hood to passenger's side trunk. But if we buy the birthday car early, I can drive it until she actually turns 16 (in mid-January) and passes the driver's test. I look forward to my short stint as Shiny Sports Car Driver.

Speaking of cars and teenagers, what's up with this new "no cruising" law they're passing in [the town where my step-daughter goes to school]. Smells like a huge bowl of ridiculousness to me. Come on. Let the kids have their fun. I am well aware that no good ever really came from cruising, and that a lot of teenagers have bad attitudes and socially undesirable tendencies while out and about unsupervised. But, it's cruising, for God's sake. The trouble-makers are always going to make... well, trouble. Taking away their right to drive around town from one parking lot to another and sit and talk with their friends (or foes) on a Saturday night does not guarantee a decrease in teenage crime/disturbances. It will only make the bad ones more sneaky and punish the good ones for not being sneaky enough.

I say we hold a "Let the Kids Cruise" protest at the next city council meeting. Think about it. How is that poor, awkward cowboy teen, dressed in his fanciest brushpopper shirt gonna get his Friday night kicks if not by whistling loudly at a van full of way-out-of-his-league cheerleaders who are blasting a raunchy Lil' Kim song way too loud to hear him anyway? Stupid anti-cruising advocates! The socially clumsy cowboy's life is over. All this pitiful, twangy outcast can do now is go back to dippin' Copenhagen in the backyard and spittin' in the wadin' pool just to watch the ripples.

I'll shut up now.

Have a wonderful day, Internet.

Vive le Cruising!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean I've never told you that this blog was my trivial entertainment while bored at work? True story.

(Lengthy 'what's new' email to follow soon.)

6:00 PM  
Blogger Roy said...

I will use my newfound fame and fortune to fight those anti-cruisers. I am always up for stickin' it to the man.

6:39 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro said...

Ohio: I look forward to hearing what's new. I need to write you and give large compliments about the new NFATB design. You're going pro!

Roy: Did you come home for the holiday, or did you use your absence as another tactic in sticking it the man?

7:25 AM  

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