Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro



Halloween weekend, and I'm all alone at night with husband on nights at work until Monday. It's okay though. I've got plenty of staring off into space to do. Actually, I'm hoping to find a good unfinished book in my tiny home library somewhere.

What's great with me? Well for starters, I experienced one of the greatest date nights ever this past Thursday. So special I won't even elaborate. Okay, I'll say this about the date night: AJ and I have some of the best interests in common when it comes to "extracurricular activities."

I've been thinking a lot about being an "adult" lately. I know most of the fundamentals now, but I have to admit that I'm still pretty ignorant when it comes to "appropriate/legitimate concerns." I get way too caught up in trivial matters that most grown-ups wouldn't give much thought to. When I fall into these pits of unnecessary despair, my astonishingly more mature spouse usually has to intervene by either gently talking me through the self-glorified mess, or by physically grabbing my arms and pulling me up through the muck. I gave AJ an excruciating, meandering and drunken verbal spiel about my condition in the car the other night. He, in turn, said all these wonderful and reassuring things that made me more confident and less likely to fall back into the pit of Sweating the Small Stuff. That's one hopeless pit.

Poor AJ has to work an extra hour tonight because of "Fall Back!" And all I can do to make him feel better is enjoy my extra hour of sleep.

What else? Okay, here's something (not) to brag about: I recently received the honor of smelling "The World's Stankiest Truck Driver Couple." This husband-and-wife duo did nothing to dispel those old stereotypes of "smelly truckers." They came into my office carrying much more than their highway permits. Yuck. Of course, the second they exited the building, we nearly choked ourselves with Lysol.

I hope to update more often. I'll have new pictures soon. Expect ultra-cute kiddies.

Happy Two Days Before Halloween, Internet!


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