Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


Dry Gulch

These photos were taken at Dry Gulch USA on August 27th. AJ's company picnic was held there. This is Hannah and Sevin taking a break from their game of PIG at the indoor basketball courts.

Sevin in the jumping balloon.

Here's Hannah's ascent on the rock-climbing wall.

And she reaches the top.

This is a Dry Gulch worker helping Sevin climb the rock wall. This guy actually took him all the way to the top. It was quite funny because by the time they got up there Sevin was pretty much just hanging onto the rope while the guy dragged him. So, in a sense, Sevin dangled his way to the top.

We had a fun time at Dry Gulch. It sure beat my company's idea of a fun family picnic which involves a bunch of guys in a golf and/or fishing tournament and a bunch of wives who do not know one another standing around picnic tables bored out of their minds.


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