Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro



Do you know what song I always hated, I mean really hated, until I heard it while driving down the road the other day and just happened to be in a peculiar enough mood that it struck me as "kind of cool"? Do you? Do you know what song that is?

It's "Dream On" by Aerosmith.

Late night web-surfing. Dry, red eyes. Wearing a watch for more than a few hours at a time kills my wrist. I have a zest for living, but I can't find it in this place. This building. Shelter. It's back home someplace where I left my lovely, lying in wait. He on night shift. I on day. I miss the smolder eyes already. The hands so breakable and capable of dissolving worries and fears. Hands that reach out to me in gentle want.

Crowbar ourselves from sheets and loveseats.

The residue of our binding never wears off.


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