Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro



We had ourselves a miniature Easter. I couldn't wait to give the kids their stuff 'til Easter Sunday. So, their baskets were waiting for them when I brought them home on Good Friday.

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Yes, as a matter of fact, that is a bump 'n go Spidey cycle for Sevin.

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And an overtly girlie Barbie computer game for Hannah.

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They were excited, as was the goal. Note Hannah's Easter spirit being shown by her egg/bunny shirt.

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Remember these little packs of gum that come in the shape of tiny eggs in a little plastic egg carton? So vintage and hip, I thought. Maybe not. Anyway, they liked the egg gum even though it tasted like Pepto.

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Later that weekend the kids enjoyed some fun in the sun. This was just a few days before the next cold snap.

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Sevin pretending to be a... well, some sort of woodland creature.
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Hannah defying gravity.
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Sevin with a lethal water hose.
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(I'm posting these late because I have been busy lately. Or, at the very least, I have been lazy lately.)


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