Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


Snappy New Year

We spent New Year's Eve at my Aunt Shelly's house playing games (Battle of the Sexes, Taboo) and drinking Labatt Blue with the occasional shot of tequila. Only one shot for me, by the way.

Here's our crowd that evening, minus myself and Jena.

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(Note the two minors pictured: Blade with crazy face in above photo and Nathan with awesome shaggy hair.)

My Taboo-playing skills have apparently weakened since I last played. My teammate/husband was good at it though. He pretty much single-handedly landed us in second place.

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AJ and Uncle Gary.

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Shelly, Jena and myself. Poor Shelly couldn't keep her eyes open, but I love her smile here. (If Jena ever reads this, I'm sorry if I'm misspelling your name. I'm pretty sure it's an alternate spelling of "Gina" though.

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Phillip playing Nathan's game (can't remember what it's called).

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The youngsters, Blade and Nate. Sorry about the red-eye. After already having uploaded these, I'm too lazy to go back and edit.

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Shelly-Belly and Jena.

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I had a really great picture of the guys all hugging, but it apparently didn't upload. Also, I had one of Phillip trying to go to sleep at, like, 10:00 pm. I'll see if I can find and add them later.

Good times that night. We drank a delicious champagne punch toast at midnight and all ended up in the hot tub somewhere around 1:00 am.

I was surprised by a not-so-nice hangover the next day even though all I'd drunk were the beers, the one Jose shot and the champagne toast. Wait... I guess some people wouldn't be so surprised by that.

Welp, that's it for now, Internet. Have a lovely week.


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