Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


A Logantime Christmas

We celebrated a late Christmas with AJ's side of the family last weekend. It was a wonderful time. Here are a couple of guys who could easily win one of those father/son look-alike contests.

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Lanie rockin' a new, shiny grill and Hannah.

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Heather and Logan comfy on the floor.

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Our hosts, Johnny and Roxanne, whose lovely and picturesque home you see in these photos. (That's the new Spider Man on her T-shirt. Can you see it? It took me a while.)

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Jannie and Larry.

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We played this game (Catchphrase) for several hours throughout the day. Much fun.

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Hannah got this awesome baby carriage from Aunt Roxanne.

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Sevin was swallowed whole by the color Pink in Lanie's room.

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Lanie's beautiful bedroom Christmas tree. I don't know if you can tell, but those bulbs are black and pink. And that is a pink feather boa lining the skirt. So cute!

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Sweet Banana.

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The teens lounging in the nearly-finished game room. Not pictured is the new fancy giant flat screen TV they were watching.

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This was our best Logan holiday to date. Everyone was able to relax and not be rushed around to get somewhere. We ended up staying until about 9:00 pm, just playing games and laughing. Great meal, great family, great times.


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