Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


Patent Pending

In honor of our Las Vegas wedding, a small attraction at the reception will be the groom’s table decked out in Vegas glamour. The other day I tried to convince my mom to have a "roulette wheel of chips" at the food table. I suggested a dozen or so different varieties of chips (potato, corn, nacho, puffed, ranch, etc.) would be organized on one of those lazy susan spinny things, each inside their own little container, and guests could walk up and take a spin. The "roulette wheel of chips" would decide what type of chip they would get to snack on that evening.

"No chips," my mom repeatedly said as she jotted notes on her little note pad.

I persisted, "and we could have some of those pizza flavored Pringles and sour cream and onion Sun Chips..."

My mom looked up and said, "Would you please be serious?"

"...And some Fun-yuns and Bugles...."

My mom was still scribbling as she said, "do you have any real suggestions?"

"...And Wavy Lay’s, and ooh, those Bacon and Cheddar Fries chips are really good!"

My mother briefly stared at me, blank and unamused.

"And we can’t forget barbecue! We’ll get the non-wavy kind of those."

Long story short, the "roulette wheel of chips" will not be seen at our wedding reception. But if anyone out there is looking for party serving ideas, and you happen to stumble onto this site and read this post, I invite you to create a "roulette wheel of chips" for yourself. I hate to see this innovative and forward-thinking idea go to waste.


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