Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


The Saga of Travis: It’s All Cool

Originally uploaded by jennlogan.
Here he is seated calmly next to his wife Haley with the Mountain Dew and a forced Rolling Rock before him. Against his will, he slowly sipped the Rolling Rock. Haley, just for the record, had no intention of staying sober.


Blogger Roy said...

Oh my god! I didn't know Travis got married! Crazy! Okay, not really. I mean, it's perfectly normal that he got married. It's all apart of those "life stages" all those self help people spout off about all time.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro said...

I think they've been married for a while... They've been together since high school. Roy, do you remember Travis's hot rod? I thought that was Haley's, and that she must have been a really cool hot rod car chick back then. I only recently found out that was Travis's car.

His car was nice, but I think your old blue Diplomat had more character.

7:57 AM  
Blogger Roy said...

I do remember Travis's hot rod. Does he still have that? I remember Haley. I met her a few times. I just didn't know they got married. Good ol' Travis. He always a good guy.

6:35 PM  

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