Jennifer Logan Anti-Pro


That Old Sober Feeling

So, I guess a few people are reading this now, and I should be ashamed of my lackadaisical blog practices. (For some reason it was very difficult for me not to write "laxative blog practices" there).

I have a few news items, I suppose.

Christmastime at our house was pretty fun this year. Santa had some nice surprises for the kids. Lots and lots of prezents. A little wrapping trouble though. Santa just couldn't quite figure out how to wrap the hula hoop. So, he said to hell with it and tied a big red bow on it and stuck it front and center of the Christmas tree. Lazy fat man.

But seriously, it was fun shoving all those presents under the tree after the kids were asleep. It's probably the closest I came this year to catching any Christmas spirit. It was an unusual spirit though because the whole time we were setting up the gifts and filling the stockings, Dukes of Hazzard (the movie) was playing in the background. So, our holiday tradition was carried out this year in the ambience of banjo music and the laughable acting skills of Jessica Simpson and the grody rasp of Johnny Knoxville.

AJ and I booked our mutual Christmas present trip back to Vegas this summer. I really wanted to wrap up the airline confirmation receipt in a box that said "To: Ourselves. From: Ourselves." But I never got around to it.

We went fishing at an indoor dock the other night. Actually, I have no license. So, I just asked a bunch of questions and read a book. No fish were caught, but it was a cool, peaceful evening sittin' on the dock of the lake.

Got any New Year's plans? I sure do. We're getting a couple of adjoining hotel rooms with about 4-6 other friends. Let the quarters and card games begin! I'm not sayin' we're gonna get sauced or anything, but...... yeah, okay, we're gonna get sauced. I've been trying to get rid of this [doctor says it's not quite a] sinus infection all week so I can get my drink on in a satisfying way. Allegra D, I'm counting on you.

We'll be taking our (hopefully mild) hangovers to a post-Christmas gathering with AJ's family on New Year's Day after we pick up the kiddies from my mom's house. We asked my parents to baby-sit, like, two months in advance for this weekend. What can I say? I'm a Planner. My parents are having a cool little party for all their grandkids, including my brother's three children. Mom and Dad are looking forward to this event with a childlike glee. Theirs is the House of Fun, where kids run free and wild with a pop every hour and snacks in between. My mom's a third grade teacher. So, she has crafty/schooly stuff for them to do if they wish.

Changing subjects...... Last night while doing laundry, I was fumbling around on the shelf above the washer and dryer, and I found an old sign I made a while back. It had block letters that read "ASS GOES HERE" with an arrow pointing down. I made it one night about a year ago with some sticker letters that were leftover from changing the name and address on our mailbox. I taped the sign to the back of the toilet and left it there a couple days.

Welp, Internet, I haven't anything else to type today. Have a happy and safe New Year and try to keep it in your pants for once.


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